Wednesday 23 March 2011

The Gallery : Education

This is me aged 5 in my first year at school. I don't know why I've got pixie ears!

For this weeks Gallery. Don't forget to check my mums funny photo or the rest of the pictures in The Gallery.

Monday 21 March 2011

Brain Pop Rocks

I was really pleased when I was asked to review the Brain Pop app on my iPod Touch. I've never reviewed anything on my own blog before so it was quite exciting.
Brain Pop is a learning tool aimed at children from 5 to 14 years, so I fit quite nicely in their target age range at 9.
I downloaded the app myself from the app store and had it up and running before my mum was even out of bed! It's that easy.
I wasn't really sure what it was in the app so I was really surprised by a pretty cool little movie that taught me all about teeth and how they grow throughout your life.  When the movie ends you get a short quiz about what you've just seen, which is a really good idea because you really pay attention so that you can get all of the answers right.
The movies are introduced by Tim & Moby, who are really smart! And every day you get a new movie about a different subject.
BrainPOP is really fun and a cool way to learn about all kinds of stuff that I wouldn't usually read about.

It's a free app - so you can't really do any better than that and it sure beats wasting your time playing Angry Birds!

I give it a rating of 10/10.

You can download it from the app store or you can visit the brainPOP website for more information. What do you think? Have you tried it already? I would love to know what you think.

Wednesday 16 March 2011

The Gallery : Trees

I like trees.
We used to have a sad but beautiful tree in our front garden, mummy loved it. But it was dead as a dodo and a man came to cut it down incase it fell on our house.

And now....

New things grow there.

For week 50 of The Gallery. Now I'm going to see how many of this weeks photos I can get through before tea! Please leave me a comment - it makes me a happy girl:)

Sunday 13 March 2011

Flower.. for Silent Sunday

Do go and see the other pictures in this weeks Silent Sunday. You can find them on Mocha Beanie Mummys blog.

Sunday 6 March 2011

New Kitten... Silent sunday

Our new kitten. Do you like him?
Don't forget to look at everyone else's Silent Sunday photos this week.

BLOG DESIGN BY @geekisnewchic