Wednesday 28 March 2012

Sunday Close Up : The Gallery

I've had Sunday for a couple of months now. I love him so much. He has the most beautiful deep dark eyes.


The Gallery.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday 25 March 2012

Bugsy Malone at Secret Cinema

I got to do a really cool thing yesterday. Something I've never done before. 
Mum said it was all a bit hush, hush and that we had to dress up in the 1920's style and that we were going to London to see a movie...

I didn't really know what to expect but when we arrived there were lots of people hanging around dressed like were, but policemen and newspaper reporters. 
I'm not sure what it is about Betty but everyone wants to talk to her and before long we were preparing to audition for Fat Sam himself!

I'm not going to say anymore because it's a secret... Secret Cinema... but I will say that I really, really enjoyed myself, that it is a totally awesome day out and that I bought Bugsy Malone on DVD with my pocket money as soon as I got home.

Thank you to the people at Secret Cinema for inviting us and to Bridey and daddy Steve (LOL) and sorry to Jim Rabbit for nabbing his poncho (you snooze, you loose).
If you would like to experience Bugsy Malone Secret Cinema style... you can book tickets here.

Sunday 11 March 2012

Sunday 4 March 2012

BLOG DESIGN BY @geekisnewchic