Wednesday 24 August 2011

The Muppets!

There's a new Muppets movie coming out in February and here is a sneak peek of the theme tune for you. The Muppets are cool and who doesn't love silly Kermit and bossy Miss Piggy?

The Muppets Green Album is out now. You can buy it from Amazon £8.99 and you can catch up with them on Facebook. Why don't you like their page
You'd be a Muppet not to!!

Tuesday 23 August 2011

Monday 22 August 2011

More of the SNAKE!

I've been bursting to tell you about the snake but as yesterday's post was for Silent Sunday I couldn't say anything at all!
We've been dying to find a snake since Sonny found one dead on the road just after we moved to this house. We know that there must be loads of them around, because this is the countryside and there are fields everywhere.
On Saturday morning I spotted naughty Rex with something in his mouth. It's usually a poor shrew but I could see that this wasn't a shrew but I couldn't tell what it was. I crept up on him and as I realised what it was I screamed S N A K E! which made Rex drop it and I whipped in as fast as I could before he gobbled it up!
I could tell that it was already dead but wow, how impressed was I?!

Sonny is gutted that I found it - so much for him being the next Bear Grills!

Sunday 21 August 2011

Silent Sunday : 21 August 2011

For Silent Sunday

Don't forget to look at mummy's blog too, for another snake surprise! MummyTip
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday 20 August 2011

Our Brilliant Day Out at Heathrow

OK, so i didn't take this, mum did, but I had such a great time at the blogger thing that we went to at Heathrow Airport yesterday that I had to post it.

We were VIP's... It said on our security badges and we did some really cool things including riding on the new Heathrow Pod, which was brilliant.

Mummy says I should tag @mum_TheMadHouse @SWhittle and @Zooarcheologis who we spent the day with and I want to say hi to Flea... Hi Flea!

Thank you to the really lovely people from the airport that looked after us and bought us magazines and gave us lunch and drinks and everything.

BLOG DESIGN BY @geekisnewchic