Thursday 26 July 2012

Love Biba

Thank you all for your lovely messages about Sunday and especially thank you to my friends at The Rabbit Agency and to Ryan and Blondie Boy for the things they sent in the post. They really cheered me up.
I have a new bunny, who I will introduce to you very soon. Well two new bunnies (but one is Betty's).

I was on google this morning and I saw this. I thought you would like it too!

It is from It's times like this when it is actually quite cool to be named after a shop!
Have you heard of Biba?

Tuesday 24 July 2012

Dear Sunday RIP

I have had a horrible couple of days because Sunday has been poorly. Last night he stayed at the vets and this morning they phoned to tell us that he had died during the night. 
I am so upset. I loved him so much. I'd wanted a rabbit for so long and when mummy bought him for me it was the very best day of my life.
I only had him for 7 months and I it really hurts inside when I think that I will never get to see him and cuddle him again. He really was the best rabbit ever.

He is being cremated so that I can keep him close by, so tonight we are going to set a Chinese lantern free and I will read this letter that I wrote to him.

Dear Sunday,
You will always be a part of me wherever you are and I will think of you every day. I love you so much. 
I hope that you have a lovely time in heaven, I will never forget you.
Lots of love,
Biba. xx

Friday 20 July 2012

Summer Holidays Week 1

It's Friday evening and we have already been off school for a week. It has rained, rained, rained and rained and we are going a bit stir crazy.
We wanted to go to Alton Towers.... but it was raining. We thought about a day at the seaside... but it was raining. 
So this week, I've mostly been fighting with my sister, playing with Sunday and working my way through my new Top Model book.

Mum bought me a set of skin coloured pencils, they are fab.

Crimped twins!

Sunday Rabbit

Apart from ALL THE RAIN, one great thing happened this week and that was that I was included in a list of Cool Kid Bloggers, so thank you to El and her mum Joanne from for thinking of me. I hope to see you both again at Cybher next year. I'm working on mum creating a session just for us cool girls!
Right, I'm off to swimming club. Catch you all later.

Thursday 5 July 2012

Biba's Eggstreme Moshi Challenge

I spotted this on page 32 of this month's Moshi Monsters magazine and had to have a go! Get hold of this months copy and get Eggstreme for yourself. I would love to know what you made.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Monday 2 July 2012

#HarbTorch : The Olympic Torch visits

Today we got to leave school early because today was the day that the Olympic torch passed through Market Harborough!

We decided to skip the procession through the town centre and instead opted for one of the smaller village locations. We had the right idea because there were no crowds and we got to see the torch pass right in front of us. 

Pretty awesome really when you think that this is a once in a life time event. 
Yes it was raining but I was there with my family and it was pretty cool.

Have you seen the torch?

BLOG DESIGN BY @geekisnewchic