Tuesday 24 July 2012

Dear Sunday RIP

I have had a horrible couple of days because Sunday has been poorly. Last night he stayed at the vets and this morning they phoned to tell us that he had died during the night. 
I am so upset. I loved him so much. I'd wanted a rabbit for so long and when mummy bought him for me it was the very best day of my life.
I only had him for 7 months and I it really hurts inside when I think that I will never get to see him and cuddle him again. He really was the best rabbit ever.

He is being cremated so that I can keep him close by, so tonight we are going to set a Chinese lantern free and I will read this letter that I wrote to him.

Dear Sunday,
You will always be a part of me wherever you are and I will think of you every day. I love you so much. 
I hope that you have a lovely time in heaven, I will never forget you.
Lots of love,
Biba. xx


  1. Sunday really was a lovely bunny and he loved you so much Biba. He was a lucky rabbit indeed. xx
    Be brave. x

  2. Sunday looks like a very special bunny, and he will live in your heart forever, and you have some very special memories.

    I hope the next few days are kind to you.


  3. Sunday was a very lucky bunny to have had a life filled with so much love and fun, you gave Sunday a lovely life and he will always have a special place in your heart x

  4. Hi what a sad time for you, Sunday sounds like the best rabbit in the world, how lucky he was to have you to give him such a happy life. The photos are adorable especially the one with flowers. Glad he will be close to you, I think Sunday will be with you in your heart always wherever you are. x

  5. oh dear Biba - very sorry to hear that Sunday has died. Though in spirit and through your wonderful photos he will always be around. Looks like he had a happy life with you and that is worth celebrating.

  6. So sorry Biba. What a gorgeous and loved Rabbit he was. Hugs xx


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