Sunday 16 January 2011

Silent Sunday.... The Last Show

Friday was our last performance of The King & I. This is the Blue team - my new family. We are all really sad that it's over.
For Silent Sunday on Mocha Beanie Mummy's blog.


  1. What an amazing experience. There'll be other shows, but it's great that you'll have lovely memories of this one x

  2. So glad you enjoyed the experience. All good things must come t an end, but I am sure that something else will happen for you very soon. A lovely, if sad, photo :)

  3. Beeb... I know that you all feel sad but just think about the amazing new friends that you have made. xx

  4. Lovely memories for you to hold on to..Wish I could have seen the show!

  5. Aww what a great photo and what an amazing thing to do. So glad you enjoyed it. x

  6. I've just discovered your blog and you take fantastic photos!

  7. A truly special photo that will always bring back wonderful memories I'm sure.


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