Wednesday 30 November 2011

What I Wore Wednesday : Off School!

Today I got to have a day off from school because the teachers were on strike. Mum asked if she could take my photo for Transatlantic Blonde's What I Wore Wednesday meme - so here it is...

I'm wear my PJ's! I had a lazy days!

Mitty James Beachrobe (as pj's's) £24.99 from Justkidswear


  1. But they are very fashionable PJs! I love anything with stars on it, too! I hope you enjoyed your day off and thank you for linking up :)

  2. These are the best PJ's. Mum bought them for when we went to Thailand. Perfect for the beach, the poll and cosy for at home too!

  3. Loving the PJs! Hope you had a lovely day off :-)

  4. Love the pj's. PJ days are the best x


BLOG DESIGN BY @geekisnewchic